Wiki Part time coding jobs

Atlantic, IA
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Hi peeps - I'm looking for a Part-time coding job (10 to 15 hours per week) but having great difficulty finding one. I went on Indeed and I get offered full-time positions, but I don't want to leave my current full-time job because not only do I love the people I work with, I need the benefits. Does anyone know of any part-time work for Inpatient or Surgery?? I'd greatly appreciate any guidance someone can give me!!
Hi peeps - I'm looking for a Part-time coding job (10 to 15 hours per week) but having great difficulty finding one. I went on Indeed and I get offered full-time positions, but I don't want to leave my current full-time job because not only do I love the people I work with, I need the benefits. Does anyone know of any part-time work for Inpatient or Surgery?? I'd greatly appreciate any guidance someone can give me!!

this one expires in 21 days, good luck !!
Thank you so much Angela! I really appreciate this information and I just did the application process!! ;)
good! so glad I could help.

what I do is get alerts from google jobs, any position you want updates on. So i search cpc-a jobs and you can receive alerts daily or weekly! not all jobs they find accept cpc-a, but many do!
Excellent!! Again, thank you so much!! I'm connected to Indeed and LinkedIn and I get a lot of potential offers, but they've all been for full time, even though my resume letter is that I'm looking at PT only. I love my FT job and have no plans to leave it. I really appreciate all your advice, Angela!!
Excellent!! Again, thank you so much!! I'm connected to Indeed and LinkedIn and I get a lot of potential offers, but they've all been for full time, even though my resume letter is that I'm looking at PT only. I love my FT job and have no plans to leave it. I really appreciate all your advice, Angela!!
No problem, and I get it, i feel the same, hopefully i'll pass the exam in august and I'll probably look for PT work as well, because I work nights for my daughter and doubt there will be any 3rd shift coding jobs