Wiki Parathyroidectomy Exploration/Thyroidectomy


San Antonio, TX
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Dr spent an hour exploring the left side and could not locate the left parathyroid adenoma that had been seen on imaging, CPT 60500. The patient also had a known right thyroid mass. After exploring the left side and being unable to find the parathyroid adenoma he decided to move on to the known right thyroid mass and performed a right thyroidectomy, CPT 60220.

The facility says we can only bill the 60500 and that it included the exploration and thyroidectomy BUT since we have separate dx codes and they were performed on separate sides I was thinking that both could be billed. Any input on the correct billing or specific material that explains this would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, according to CPT Assistant, December 2012, "if the thyroid lobectomy was performed for an independent diagnosis, then code 60220 would also be reported with modifier 59, Distinct Procedural Service, appended." Based on the information you've given, I think it meets the criteria for reporting both codes since the thyroidectomy here is not incidental to the parathyroid procedure in this particular case.