Wiki Pap Smear Performed on Mentally Handicapped Patient


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I have a patient that is going in for surgery and the surgeon asked my family practice physician if she would like to perform a pap smear while the patient was under anesthesia as she is 36 y/o and never had a pap smear.

Is this possible? It's probably simpler that I am making it out to be. If it is possible, please guide me as to what I would code!!

Thank you so very much!
I think your best bet is to simply code what the provider did, both the surgery and the pap smear. Wait for the denail, then send in an appeal explaining why this was done at the same time. However, I would bet almost anything you might have to eat the pap smear. But really, I would use all my appeal levels on this one.

Was the surgery at all related to the female anatomy? You might have a better chance with that. If the surgery was not related I think it will be much harder.
Thank you for your response.

The patient is having a cholecystectomy....... I have a feeling if I word the appeals properly and send a ton of medical records, I may have some chance at getting it paid...... Now to figure out what all I can bill CPT code wise.
