Wiki Pain Procedures & E/M

Carlisle, KY
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If patient presents with the intention to receive a pain management procedure (ESI) but patient has had a change in condition and physician opts to change treatment plan (could be an adjustment in the medication administered/injected or the location of the injection), would it this meet criteria for "separate and identifiable" as defined by modifier 25?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, we can consider this service as "separate and identifiable", because there is a change in patient condition and also physician changing the treatment plan.
So, we can code E/M service with 25 modifier along with pain management.
That is what I thought too Nirosha, but someone argued with me saying it couldn't be for same condition (although worsened/changed). I think while it might be denied for payment initially, an appeal with a copy of the record to show the change would validate payment. Thanks for responding!

Anyone else have an opinion to share? Would love to know how others handle this...