Wiki Pain Mgt done in Radiology Office


Commack, NY
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Hi All,

Our Anesthesiologist is performing spinal injections in a Radiology Office. The Radiologist wants to know if he can bill the Technical Component. For example, Anesthesiologist will bill 64493 for the procedure. Guidance is included, so not billing separately. Can the radiologist however bill 76942-TC in this case?
Another example, anesthesiologist will bill 62311 w/ 77003-26, can the radiologist bill 77003-TC. In each scenario the radiologist will write up his own report and/or have a picture.

Thank you to anyone who can help with this question.
Pain Management in Radiology

Hi All,

Our Anesthesiologist is performing spinal injections in a Radiology Office. The Radiologist wants to know if he can bill the Technical Component. For example, Anesthesiologist will bill 64493 for the procedure. Guidance is included, so not billing separately. Can the radiologist however bill 76942-TC in this case?
Another example, anesthesiologist will bill 62311 w/ 77003-26, can the radiologist bill 77003-TC. In each scenario the radiologist will write up his own report and/or have a picture.

Thank you to anyone who can help with this question.

I would say no to the first scenario. The radiologist should not bill 76942-TC, since the guidance is included in the base CPT 64493.

In the second scenario, yes, I believe the radiologist should be able to bill for 77003-TC. If the anesthesiologist is billing for the professional component then someone should be capturing the technical piece of the charge!