Wiki Pain Management vs. Orthopedic Spine Surgeon


Pittsboro, NC
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Woud a pain management physician and an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon be considered two different specialties in the same practice? We have patients who see both of these doctors on the same day. Can we bill two e/m services?

Thank you!
Woud a pain management physician and an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon be considered two different specialties in the same practice? We have patients who see both of these doctors on the same day. Can we bill two e/m services?

Thank you!

I think if the different taxonomies are linked to their NPI #'s, then yes, a pain management doctor is different from an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon. Might want to check how they are credentialed with your payer (which specialty they are credentialed with). Pain management doctors treat the chronic pain condition with meds and minimally invasive procedures (epidural injections, etc), while spine surgeons really get in there and remove facets, perform spinal fusion, etc.