Wiki Pain in butt

Can you use M791 (myalgia)? I've used that for buttock(s) pain, I can't remember if I-9 had something more specific.

There could be other opinions on this matter as well.
I'm on this particular Dx right now with a progress note - "Pain in Right Gluteal Region".

K62.89 specifies anus/rectum, M53.3 specifies sacral and coccyx. Gluteus Maximus are a group of muscles. Myalgia is pain in muscles, and since your Dr. states "Butt" that is less specific than "Gluteus Maximus". It could refer to the fleshy parts of the buttocks.

Therefore R52 would be the most appropriate code.
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Can you use M791 (myalgia)? I've used that for buttock(s) pain, I can't remember if I-9 had something more specific.

There could be other opinions on this matter as well.

I agree with M79.1

Myalgia = muscle pain
Gluteous maximus is a muscle

Formed by the gluteal muscles on the lower part of the back.
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