Wiki Pain Buster CPT - help


Lincoln, NE
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CPT code for Pain Buster

Is anyone billing for Pain Buster Insertions? What CPT code(s) are you using?

I have a service where the surgeon has delegated the postoperative pain management to us (anesthesia) and he has requested we placed a pain buster because all other pain therapies/techniques were inadequate. I'm hearing from my local surgeon's that they do not bill for pain busters as postop pain management is within the global package so......

1) Is it appropriate for anesthesia to bill for this service?
We can code separately for postop pain blocks that would normally be considered inclusive of the global surgical package. However, I am not finding any information specific to billing for a pain buster.

2) What CPT code(s) have you used? Any payment issues?

Example documentation:
Under 100mg Fentanyl IV and 2% xylocaine infiltration 2 soaker pain buster catheters were placed in the stump of the RT above knee amputation surrounding an area identified as painful. Catheters were injected with 5 cc 0.5% ropivacaine each and attached to an infusion ball with 0.2% ropivacain.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Julie, CPC
Thanks sashka - in my research I saw that info on the manufacturer's website. They are delightfully vague - which I'm not complaining I hate it when the manufacturer gives billing advice/codes but then are not able to back up the information.

OK - let me phrase this another way..... to everyone in all specialties

IF the patient was NOT in a postopertive period - what CPT code would you code?

I'm thinking the unlisted musculoskeletal (27599) is too much as this is not a deep procedure and (YYY) carrier defined global.
Anyone have any thoughts about 11981 (XXX no global period) or 17999 (YYY carrier defined global)?

Please, I'd appreciate another coder's opinion.

Julie, CPC
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