Wiki pacemaker clinic


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I had asked several weeks ago about the pc/tc of pacemaker when an outside source is coming in and doing the actual interrogation and I thank you for the answer that I I have an additional question regarding the pc portion of the charge...the tech that does the interrogation dictates his findings whether afib, or no changes etc...our doctor then
signs the same form...there isn't anything dictated by the dr he just cosigns as the approving physician. does anybody know if this enough to constitute billing the pc or should he dictate something himself.
thanks for your help..
If the rep is the only one in the room during the interrogation of the device, your doc could only bill the professional component. Him signing the form and putting it in the chart is enough for that to be billed.

We went through a clinical audit process in our cardiology practice a couple of years ago. We now have a midlevel present in the room during pacemaker clinic and we bill the entire global package.

I hope that helps,

Jennifer Everett, CPC