Wiki pacemaker battery depletion/lead fracture


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I am not sure how to code the following as one new lead, one old lead and new pulse gengeratior

long operative shortened

Pacemaker removed. leads were disconnected and tested. Atrial lead is fractured. New atrial lead inserted. Pocket revised and enlarged to accomidate new pulse generator. Abandoned atrial lead capped and secured. Existing ventrial lead and new atrial lead connected to pulse generator.

I am not sure how to code the following as one new lead, one old lead and new pulse gengeratior

long operative shortened

Pacemaker removed. leads were disconnected and tested. Atrial lead is fractured. New atrial lead inserted. Pocket revised and enlarged to accomidate new pulse generator. Abandoned atrial lead capped and secured. Existing ventrial lead and new atrial lead connected to pulse generator.

33206,33233. No pocket revision.1) It doesn't exist, it is now relocation. 2) you never could bill it anyway just for making a pocket bigger.
33206 new generator and atrial lead, 33233 old generator removal.