Wiki Pace Maker Check for IP


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Have a Dr who wants to bill for his RN to go over to hospital to do Pacemaker checks on his IP. Do any of your Drs do this - and how do they code for it? I have never seen this before and wonder if it is appropriate - ? What about incident to, supervision guidelines , etc ? Shouldn't this be coded through hospital staff? New situation to me ....
Our docs bill the appropriate device code (93279-93299) with modifier 26, when performed in the hospital outpt setting. I don't have any experience with having an RN perform those. You may have to do some more research on that.

It bothers me in regards to indcent to rules that the RN is doing this check and he wnats to bill for it with his name when he is not present and this is eiethr IP or OP hospital

Still researching-

Thank you