Wiki PA hospital visit


Chino, CA
Best answers

I have a question, if we have a Physician assistant seeing a patient in the hospital, it is listed as the PA seeing the patient, they do a exam, hpi, MDM etc. At the end of the note our MD states his attestation, we would be able to bill this visit under our MD correct?
Now say same scenario and the MD just signs off on the note and does not state any attestation, would this strictly be billed under the PA only?
I am not very savvy on E/M I do surgical, but I seem to be getting conflicting information where it is considered a split/shared visit and we would apply modifier FS but then I hear that there is no split/shared in a hospital setting??

can someone please advise and maybe send me some information or site some information so I can present this to my physicians.

thank you in advance!!
I work for specialists, orthopedic surgeons.
Hi there, under Medicare's new split/shared rules you'd bill both visits under the PA. See the two documents at this link: R11288CP | CMS

For private payers you'll need to check each payer's rules for PAs' services.
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