Wiki PA billing


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If a PA performs a thoracentesis/paracentesis and the physician is in the room and dictates the report and states that the PA performed it but the PA didn't sign the report only the doctor, should this be billed under the physician or amended with the PA signature and billed under the PA? Or if the physician wasn't even in the room, this is indirect supervision but should this be also billed under the PA? We have conflicting reports and do not want to get into trouble for incorrect billing. We are new to PA billing, this is hospital based.

Thank you
You cannot bill services as 'incident to' in a hospital setting. With the exception of 'shared visits' (where both the mid-level and the physician perform a portion of an E&M service and it can be billed under the physician), each provider can only bill for the services they personally perform in a facility. If the PA performed the procedure, then the PA needs to document and sign the note and the claim must be billed with the PA's credentials. Mid-level providers may only bill their services 'incident to' a physician in an office setting.