Wiki Ovarian suppression


Ellicott City, MD
Best answers
Can any one guide me on the correct dx code to use when trying to use Zoladex for ovarian suppression in chemotherapy patient (not breast)?
Gynecology Uses-Goserelin acetate, leuprolide acetate

I have an older Anthem policy which states these drugs are medically necessary for these Gyn uses:
Goserelin Acetate, Leuprolide Acetate:
Chronic pelvic pain (noncyclical pain lasting 6 or more months that localizes to the anatomic pelvis, anterior abdominal wall at or below the umbilicus, the lumbosacral back, or the buttocks, and is of sufficient severity to cause functional disability or lead to medical care-not to continue beyond 3 months if there is not symptomatic relief or
Endometriosis(for goserelin acetate the 3.6 mg implant only should be used) or
To induce amenorrhea in women in certain populations, including menstrating women diagnosed with severe thromboctopenia or aplastic anemia.
Goserlin Acetatate is considered medically necessary for :
dysfunctional uterine bleeding:eek:r
Endometrial thinning prior to endometrial ablation for dysfnctional unterine bleeding (3.6 mg implant only).

Actual diagnosis codes are not given.
Tricia D