Wiki ovarian cancer--functional activity


Grants Pass, OR
Best answers
Hi, sharing my ignorance here. Under 183.0 there are directions to use additional code to identify any functional activity....Can anyone explain what the phrase "functional activity" means. Today is the first time I've worked with GYN/ONC and would like to educate myself further.

Ovarian tumor Functional activities:
Substances like enzymes, hormones (including tropic hormones etc),for eg, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the blood stream to another to effect physiological activity, such as growth, metabolism or reproduction.
Full range of substance like enzymes/hormones into both metabolic and signalling networks contributing to complex pathologies like cancer, can be known by their signs and symptoms and chemical, biochemical and hormonal test and assays and tumor markers like stuff and so on.

Functional activities, here, for Ovarian tumors means their dependency on the hormonal status and its influence on various systems, body functions and the presenting effects because of these activities
You know the ovaries are organ which are steroidogenesis, meaning, they are responsible for the production of the hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
So what are the functions of these hormones?. they are shown by way of menstrual cycles, ovulation,reproduction, menstrual disturbances and all those activities associated with the female reproductive systems and the systems and organs influenced & associated with. Physiologically, it is Reproductive Endocrinology and pathophysiologically, the derranged functional activities-in the form of signs and symptoms, and the enzymatic,hormonal tests(status) or assays related to them and their activities.
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Thanks, that helps! My doc doesn't mention any of that stuff, so I guess she doesn't get an additional diagnstic code.

I appreciate your knowledge