Wiki Ov vs Psych codes

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The new EMR program has these counselling codes in it and my providers think they can bill for them instead of doing an Evaluation and Management code. 90804 to 90809. My opinion is these are for psychologist and Psych docs. But they say well a pt will come in with Post partum depression or depression after a miscarriage and I counsel them... But I dont see really much advice in the chart on how they counsel them, I mean they are empathetic with the pt. and listen but they dont really document a lot of counseling so what is with these codes, anybody know? Now the EMR software system and the gal who trained us has steered my providers to think they know best such as billing OV with procedures because the trainer told them you never know when you get money from the ins. I am like hey not for the same problem that isnt right etc. but they want to try it anyway. Now I fear I could get in trouble...