Wiki Outpatient Vs Observation


Knoxville, TN
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With the new 2023 guidelines on observation status, does this also apply to outpatient status? Would we also use 99221-99223 with 22 pos?

Second question, can we use 99238-92239 for outpatient discharge?
With the new 2023 guidelines on observation status, does this also apply to outpatient status? Would we also use 99221-99223 with 22 pos?

Second question, can we use 99238-92239 for outpatient discharge?
No, patients receiving facility outpatient services who have not been admitted to either inpatient or observation status are coded just like office patients with the CPT codes in the range 99201-99215 (unless they are being seen in the emergency room, in which case you'd use 99281-99285). Since those patients have not been admitted to the hospital, they can't be discharged, so you cannot use a discharge code for them.