Wiki Outpatient VS HIMS

If you have no knowledge of inpatient, then it is a whole new world. If you have a basic working knowledge of inpatient then it should not be too difficult.
It depends on what you mean by outpatient coder. Are you coding outpatient for the facility? If so, it shouldn't be too bad of a transition. That is how I did it and while the guidelines are different for inpatient and outpatient facility, once you switch to that mindset it isn't bad.

For awhile, I was coding both inpatient and outpatient and sometimes switching back and forth between the different coding modes was a challenge.

Definitely approach your manager/supervisor that you are interested in transitioning.

Good luck!

Cordelia, DRG Auditor, CCS, CPC
I am the same way. I coded outpatient for about 3 years, then transitioned to inpatient for about 3 years and just transitioned over to drg auditing. I always need something new to learn. :) I am seriously considering going to school for HIT and then getting my RHIT

Cordelia, DRG Auditor, CCS, CPC