Wiki Outpatient procedure to observation status


Wilmington, NC
Best answers
Hi all, I have a patient that was scheduled for a 52601 and ended up staying in hospital for 32 hours. I have been advised to file as outpatient with POS 22, my question is wouldn't this be considered an observation status and if so what codes would be appropriate? Thanks in advance for any information!
Admission 4/20/2023 - 4/21/2023 (32 hours)
Status: Discharged
Hi all, I have a patient that was scheduled for a 52601 and ended up staying in hospital for 32 hours. I have been advised to file as outpatient with POS 22, my question is wouldn't this be considered an observation status and if so what codes would be appropriate? Thanks in advance for any information!
Admission 4/20/2023 - 4/21/2023 (32 hours)
Status: Discharged
You can only bill for observation if there was an order written by the physician to admit the patient to that status and the patient met the clinical criteria for observation. Extended recovery such as this is not usually considered observation, which is a status for patients who need additional diagnostic testing to determine if they need to be admitted or if they can be discharged.