Wiki Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy billing


Tunnel Hill, GA
Best answers
I have a team of providers who are looking for information on what they can bill for in OPAT. Here is their specific question:

What we’d like to know is if there are billing codes that are appropriate to use when directing their ongoing antibiotics or making changes to their regimen, both for when the patients are seen in person in the infusion center, as well as in a circumstance where we are reviewing their labs and communicating with the pharmacist and either continuing present therapy or changing to a new antibiotic.​

Does anybody know where I can find information to help answer this for them? I've Googled until my eyes are crossed and all I can find is clinical information, not billing.
Could anyone help on the OPAT service what are the guidelines following and usually infusion guidelines are followed if done in office visit.