Wiki Out of Vaccine


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
This may sound like a strange scenario here.....if a patient is due for a vaccine and the provider orders the vaccine, but we can't administer the vaccine because we are out of it (it was backordered), how would you code for this? We were looking at using a code from the V64.0 category for vaccine not carried out, but these are secondary codes only. What (if anything) would we use as primary in this case?

I do understand that if this was a vaccine only visit, you would not code anything because no service was performed, but in refering to situations where an E/M service was performed.

Hope my question is clear.
This may sound like a strange scenario here.....if a patient is due for a vaccine and the provider orders the vaccine, but we can't administer the vaccine because we are out of it (it was backordered), how would you code for this? We were looking at using a code from the V64.0 category for vaccine not carried out, but these are secondary codes only. What (if anything) would we use as primary in this case?

I do understand that if this was a vaccine only visit, you would not code anything because no service was performed, but in refering to situations where an E/M service was performed.

Hope my question is clear.

We have this scenerio all the time however, the pt is usually seen for his well visit also....So what we do is to bill the well visit and have pt come back in when the vaccine/s come in and don't charge them a office visit......

Now if they only come in for the vaccine/s and you don't have it, how are you going to charge them for anything?
We have this scenerio all the time however, the pt is usually seen for his well visit also....So what we do is to bill the well visit and have pt come back in when the vaccine/s come in and don't charge them a office visit......

Now if they only come in for the vaccine/s and you don't have it, how are you going to charge them for anything?

So true! I appreciate your repsonse.