Wiki Osteomyelitls and 5th toe amputation? Still has osteomyelitis?


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Patient had infection which turned out to be osteomyelitis, ABX's and surgical removal of toe in May. Recerting patient for the wound care. Sounds stupid I know, but would I still code the osteomyelitis? He is not on any ABX and I know it can be "chronic". I am thinking not. No further documentation from wound care clinic. :confused:Any expert help would be greatly appreciated!
Pt has a farm implement dropped on his foot and because he had neuroparhy d/t MVA years ago, he developed gangrene, osteomyleitis. Had toe removed and finished to ABX over a month ago.
Did your provider mention osteomyelitis in the documentation? If he did, then it's ok to code history as the pt is s/p toe amputation and that has removed the disease. Otherwise you will just code for the wound.