Wiki Orthopedic ICD-9 Coding

Gladstone, MO
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We are having a discussion within our group on what are the appropriate diagnosis to add to xrays that are performed post operatively. Our physicians will occasionally take xrays to check placement of joints post replacements or xrays post fracture care within our office and we are torn on the appropriate diagnoses to use. I was taught that V codes are to be used for a last resort is this still correct? Typically the xrays are run for the same reason the surgery was performed (ie osteoarthritis, fracture) therefore we have been appending these as the diagnosis. Anyone have any suggestions?

V codes are appropriate for post op, they are not last resort codes. It is inappropriate to use a code for a dx the patient does not have at the time of the encounter. After the fracture is treated you do not use the fx code you use the V code after a joint replacement you do not use the condition that existed prior to the tea event you use after care or follow up V codes . Check your coding guidelines for confirmation