Wiki orthopaedics


Lakeland, FL
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I need some help quickly!! My Physician and I have been going back and forth about what code would be appropriate for the debridement of the tibia intramedullary canal. He states that there must be one for this and I've been looking at 11044/11047. Has anyone coded this before? :confused:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You don't really provide much information to work with as to the clinical situation you are trying to code. If he is dealing with the treatment of an open fracture, then 11012 would apply if "any" bone is debrided. The code does not differentiate cortical bone from medullary canal debridement, i.e. bone is bone.

Maybe this will help.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pechacek, M.D.
Hi justfitz,

I agree with using 11044,11047 codes. Per CPT index: Debridement --> Bone --> 11044,11047. As AlanPechacek wrote, "the code does not differentiate cortical bone from medullary canal debridement, i.e. bone is bone."
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