Wiki Orlando, FL Job Market


Oviedo, FL
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I have an A.S. Degree in HIM and a Medical Coding and Billing Certificate from Seminole State College. I would like to know what is the secret to get an entry level job in the highly competitive Orlando, FL job market. I know there are jobs asking for experience but how am I and others going to get that experience if no one wants to hire recent graduates?
As someone else in the Orlando area searching for a coding job, I can say it is tough out there. Really tough. The coding managers are putting some absurd requirements on the experience needed to qualify for a coding job. They don't care if you are a high school drop out, but they all want you to have five years of coding experience to do what is ultimately a mostly data entry job. :rolleyes:

If I could give a good report OP, I would. I am also a CPC-A searching for coding work in the Orlando area. The local job market is quite bleak if my own experiences are the norm. And I even have a bachelors degree from a state university. No one in the coding field values that at all though.
I have been in the field for 10 years and am currently an Auditor. I had to start out doing medical billing, before someone would even give me a chance to code. You might want to inquire on medical billing positions and offer your coding credentials as a perk for a position.
After 4 years, I was offered an opportunity to be a coder for a hospital. It takes time, but instead of trying to dive right into coding, although I know its frustrating because you worked so hard to become a coder, you may want to look into applying for some of the medical billing postions.
I have never went to college. I only recieved my certifications from the AAPC and PMI. It isnt impossible, as I am living proof.
I have an A.S. Degree in HIM and a Medical Coding and Billing Certificate from Seminole State College. I would like to know what is the secret to get an entry level job in the highly competitive Orlando, FL job market. I know there are jobs asking for experience but how am I and others going to get that experience if no one wants to hire recent graduates?

Im here in orlando as well and its not that Great due to the fact that there isn't a lot of Health systems here. I work for the biggest one here in orlando. Please message me for more info. I could give you some leads because I closely watch the market and see whats out here. Are you going to obtain a Coding Certification as well?