Wiki Orders for Bladder Scans


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Can anyone tell me if your organization requires written or verbal orders for procedures such as Trial of Void(TOV), Catheter replacements, and Bladder scans?
Also, if it's within global period of surgery?
Yes, every organization I know of would require an order for these. If not a written by the provider, then a documented verbal order which is later signed by the provider. Whether or not in the global period would be irrelevant, and anyway the clinical staff performing these procedures in some practices are often not even aware of how long the global period is.

Aside from the coding and reimbursement implications, I believe in some states it could be considered acting outside the scope of a license for clinical staff to initiate some procedures not ordered by a qualified provider.
Removal of a catheter for a trial of voiding after a TURP (90 day global) or its replacement if the patient is unable to void, is not a billable service in the global period. The bladder scan, a radiological procedure, may be billable in this global period.
Michael A. Ferragamo MD, FACS
Removal of a catheter for a trial of voiding after a TURP (90 day global) or its replacement if the patient is unable to void, is not a billable service in the global period. The bladder scan, a radiological procedure, may be billable in this global period.
Michael A. Ferragamo MD, FACS