Wiki Order of modifiers


Allentown, PA
Best answers
What is the correct order to apply modifiers? Or does the order depend on how the payer wants it? HA=child/adolescent program or UB=level of care. . . does it matter which is first? :confused:
My coworker had a good article that is lost to me at the moment, but it discussed sequencing pricing modifiers such as (22/25/52/59) before informational modifiers (RT/LT/AI). I don't think there was any official guidance in the article, but more of a rule of thumb. HCPCs modifiers after CPT modfiers.
My coworker had a good article that is lost to me at the moment, but it discussed sequencing pricing modifiers such as (22/25/52/59) before informational modifiers (RT/LT/AI). I don't think there was any official guidance in the article, but more of a rule of thumb. HCPCs modifiers after CPT modfiers.

We had a class here at our office and they told us the same thing. Any modifier that affects price and payment goes first.