Wiki Oral Surgery - CDT Code for Removal of abutment?


San Mateo, CA
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Hi All, this is my first thread post. I am hoping there are others of you that bill oral surgery/dental procedures. We had a patient come in, trauma case, fracture implant abutment. Our surgeon removed the fractured abutment only, the implant was fine. For 2021, what CDT code would you use to bill this procedure to dental ins.? I have billed the medical plan already since it is a trauma case but now need to bill the dental plan. I have billed D6199 with a report of explanation but Delta is rejecting the line item stating there is an appropriate CDT code to us. Would love some help on this as I have hit a wall. Thank you!
Hi GinaLea, unlike the medical, there is no removal or repair code that couples with the fractured abutment. I would file the abutment code based on the type (prefabricated D6056 /custom D6057). The narrative will explain all of the particulars (injury and removal). Like medical, dental insurance does not like the 99 codes. I hope this helps