Wiki Oral chemo teaching


Ft Wayne, IN
Best answers
For those of you who are dispensing oral chemo, I would like to know if you are billing for the oral chemo teaching. If so, what code is appropriate? I am confused if this is a billable service or not. I know that an IV chemo teaching is captured in the administration code for the chemo and is not seperately billable.
Thanks for any responses!
For those of you who are dispensing oral chemo, I would like to know if you are billing for the oral chemo teaching. If so, what code is appropriate? I am confused if this is a billable service or not. I know that an IV chemo teaching is captured in the administration code for the chemo and is not seperately billable.
Thanks for any responses![/QUOTE]


If you are dispensing oral chemo medication and then teaching your patient how to take the medication and educate them on the side affect you would bill procedure code 99211.

If you are teaching your patient about their IV chemotherapy on a different day then an actual chemotherapy day then you would also bill procedure code 99211. But if you wait to teach them on the same day as chemotherapy it is included in chemo adminstration for chemo and not billable seperately.

All must be documented and co-signed by the Physician.

Trudy Hallahan, CHONC