Wiki Optometry/Ophthalmology


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I was wondering if there was anyone who does billing for an optometrist/ Ophthalmologist that I could talk to. I just started working for an eye Dr. and not sure of the rules with insurance and stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Mmejac👀👁️

Here are my tips for billing and eye/ophthalmology coding......
1.Prolong CPT codes not accepted in eye OP visit
2. Learn the meanings of modifiers OU, OD, OS and E1-E4 in documentation related to diagnosis laterality codes.
3. If pt suffers with chronic conditions thus documented you can use Eval mgt CPT codes AND comprehensive eye codes 92004 new pt & 92014 est. pt. same date. Use modifier 25 if procedure done during visit
4. Look in back of CPT manual for eye treatment eyeball drains or injections start with number 6
5. CPT 92227 is usually bundled in with other Eva. Mnt codes
6. Can only bill CPT 92004 for both sets of eyes, not this CPT one for left and right eye. You can use modifier 50 with 92004
7. Cannot bill these 2dx on same claim H27.01 with Z96.1
8. Learn those differ Z codes and sequence properly. Here are a few Z01.02 failed eye exam, Z46.0 encounter for glasses,z97.0 Present False Eyeball Z46.2 Fitting for visual devices, Z01.01Exam for eyes
9. Eyeglasses CPT 92340 glasses, & CPT 92015, 92071& 92072 contact lens & CPT 92341 bifocal
10. Lots of abbreviations for ophthalmology care. Here are some common ones & their ICD10 codes. I 'll let you learn these.
Ocular HTN H40.053 POAG H40 NPDR E11.321 or H35.20 NSC -H25.1 VD=H43.8 DES =H04.12 AMD = H35.3 Eye Pain H57.12 Double vision H53.2

I hope helped you just a bit more .😁😊
Lady T