Wiki Option to stay home and code.


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Hi! My name is Becki and I am from Colorado, Fort Collins to be exact. Anyway, I have a great opportunity to start my own business from home, but I would need an experienced coder to come on board. But......BIG BUT! I can't guarantee anything, which means no income at the start and obviously no Health insurance. But, trust me.....I have the drive to make this business work and I refuse to let it fail. I think its a GREAT opportunity for me and hopefully one of you! I need at least 3 - 5 years of experience and certified. I went to school for Medical Coding and Billing, graduated in 2009 and I am certified, but I haven't been able to find a job. If your not certified, but have experience......I might be able to help. Only thing have to live close to me. Hope to hear from someone! Thank you!
I would love to work with you but I'm assuming I live a little too far away from you :( I live in Craig, Colorado. I am certified and have been doing billing and coding for 7 years now. If you're interested, email me at Thanks!