Wiki Opps


Largo, FL
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What does this mean "Bill OPPS Medicare Charges" I'm lost, so any help as to what this means would be greatly appreciated! :confused:
Outpatient Prospective Payment System "OPPS" Seems like it's asking for you to bill the outpatient hospital charges.

I'd have to know a little more about what you're trying to bill in regards to this question.
The original charges were 99212 with 11900 for a surgical office, and now I'm being told they need to be billed with the appropriate OPPS Medicare charges. Are they maybe referring to charges for the facility too?
A surgical physician office would not bill under OPPS. Are you in an outpatient setting? What POS did you bill with? Are you set up to bill as a CMS 1500 claim or the UB04 claim? Who is the one telling you to bill this way?
Yes it is outpatient reimbursement. You can research OPPS on line, looking under OPPS and or APC (ambulatory procedure classification)