I'd like to get some opinions on this procedure. The doctor and I disagree on the coding for this:
...attention was directed to the posterior aspect of the gastroc tendon two fingerbreadths distal to the muscle belly. A stab incision was made medially and bluntly dissected down to the gastroc tendon. Tunnel was created behind the tendon. Cannula and scope were introduced. This was in the correct position. There was no neurovascular structures present. Next, a tendon was then transected from medial to lateral with correction of the equinus deformity being noted as excellent. Again, no vital structures were noted. The cannula was removed. The area was flushed and the incision was closed with a 4-0 nylon...
...attention was directed to the posterior aspect of the gastroc tendon two fingerbreadths distal to the muscle belly. A stab incision was made medially and bluntly dissected down to the gastroc tendon. Tunnel was created behind the tendon. Cannula and scope were introduced. This was in the correct position. There was no neurovascular structures present. Next, a tendon was then transected from medial to lateral with correction of the equinus deformity being noted as excellent. Again, no vital structures were noted. The cannula was removed. The area was flushed and the incision was closed with a 4-0 nylon...