Wiki Opinion on crossing over to Home Health & Hospice Coding


Poplar Bluff, MO
Best answers
im looking to get in to Home Health and Hospice coding, any opinions on whether this is a good or bad move?? Any advice appreciated. Also if you have this kind of experience and work from home what kind of pay are making?
I'm working in home health now--we don't provide hospice care at my agency, just the home care. I do not work from home, though. I'm in an office actually located at an independent living facility owned by the agency. It's a very nice location to work in, though, so I'm just as glad to be in-office.

It seems to me like pay rate in home health is comparable (commensurate with experience, of course), but I'm not sure what remote coding for home health pays.

I will say I think home care is a growing field, because of the aging population and payer efforts to reduce inpatient stays in favor of less expensive alternatives. If you do want to go into home care coding, though, you'll benefit from knowing the OASIS backwards and forwards.