Wiki Ophthalmology - scan being billed

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I have a question regarding Ophthalmology. Can my doctor bill for a second A scan, the original was first done 5 months prior the the second A scan being billed. He is trying to use the same reading from the first A scan that was done in Oct and then trying to bill for the 2nd eye 5 months later without doing another scan.I'm not comfortable with billing for the second scan unless I have some direction if other are billing for the second scan as well.
If he didn't do another scan, he can't bill for another one by using information from a prior scan which, I assume, was billed for when it was done 5 months ago.

Unethical at best. Fraud at worst.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC

If he has been already paid for both eyes and there is no new medical eye issue he has no reason to repeat the scan. If you only submitted the previous claim for one eye, then it is ok. Also how can you bill for something that is not being done? That wld be fraud.