Wiki Ophthalmology coding certificate question


Jefferson City, MO
Best answers
Does anyone know if there is a specific coding certificate for Ophthalmology? I just started working for Ophthalmology doctors, and they are wanting me to begin coding for them in the near future. I have my CPC. I didn't know if I should seek a separate coding certificate for Ophthalomogy.
Thanks so much,
Can't give you any other details right now but there will be an ophthalmology coding certification available through AAPC in the near future.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC, COPC (Certified Ophthalmology Professional Coder)
I purchased the COPC this week. Has anyone taken it yet aside from developers? It's my goal to pass in 2018. I already hold my CPC and my COA. Hopeful that it won't be too difficult with some prep work.
purchased the COPC this month

I have also purchased the COPC exam and study guides. Currently hold CPC and Ophthalmic Coding Specialist through JCAHPO. Any tips or pointers from those who have taken the exam for COPC would be appreciated!!
I recently obtained the COPC credential and found the exam much easier than the CPC exam. The study guide was very helpful. Be sure to study it and the online practice exams and you shouldn't have any problem passing the COPC certification exam.

Teresa Troutman, CPC, COPC