Wiki open wound sx - i need your help


Pensacola , Florida
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this one is sooo new one to me ..please give me some of your expertise on this case - and I sincerely thank you in advance !

pt sustained knife lacerations to lt hand and rt lateral elbow.

#1 I & D of skin and subcutaneous tissue , deep muscle fascia of hand

#2 Exploration of radial digital nerve left index finger and ulnar digital nerve lt thumb, closure of wound measuring 6cm.

#3 I & D of skin and subcutaneous and deep fascia, right lateral and posterior elbow area with repair of partial laceration of triceps and common extensor origin w/closure over drain.

#1 Open wound, hand w/intact radial digital nerve, index and ulnar digital nerve thumb w/partial laceration of adductor pollicis

#2 Open wound, rt elbow w/partial triceps laceration and laceration of common extensor origin.

...any and all help would be appreciated ! Thanks
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This is NOT my area of expertise, but I'd at least start with reading the guidelines for Exploration of penetrating wound (page 75 in the 2009 CPT Professional edition).

Good luck.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC