Wiki Open Subtalar Dislocation


Spartanburg, SC
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DX: Open Subtalar Dislocation

Operative Procedure: Open treatment of open dislocation of right subtalar joint without internal fixation

Detail: After an adequate level of anesthesia had been obtained, the right lower extremity splint was removed, scrubbed thoroughly with prep soap and then prepped the foot, then irrigated copiously with saline on the wound with power lavage and then we re-dislocated the talus and irrigated the depths of the wound with the power lavage using a sprayer tip right from the total joint set to was outside from the inside out and then after we had used several liters of salin reduced the dislocation, continued to irrigate and then it was very easy to see the capsule and ligaments avulsed from the mid portion of the talus and these were sutured with 2-0 vicryl sutures and then interuppted nylon for skin, but this was a loose closure, so it could drain.