Wiki Open procedure for removal of dermoid cysts of ovaries

Waxahachie, TX
Best answers
Surgeon is wanting to know what code should be used for the removal of dermoid cysts on ovaries. He states that due to the size of these cysts, an open procedure would be required. I have been researching and the closest I have gotten is 58925. Is this correct?
58925 Ovarian cystectomy, unilateral or bilateral

The provider removes a cyst from one or both ovaries via an abdominal incision.

Clinical Responsibility
The provider places the patient in the supine position and administers a general anesthetic. The provider incises the lower abdomen just above the symphysis pubis and continues down through the underlying tissue and peritoneum. He then examines the abdominal cavity. When he completes his examination, the provider identifies the ovarian vessels and examines the ovaries to locate the cyst or cysts. He then excises the cyst intact or removes the cyst wall and some of the ovarian tissue around the cyst. The provider usually removes smaller cysts with one incision as a whole, or he ruptures larger cysts and dissects them in order to completely remove them. Once he completes the excision of all cysts, the provider repairs the ovary where the cyst was located with sutures or cautery and controls any bleeding. Finally, he closes the abdominal incision with sutures.

This sounds exactly what your provider is planning.