Wiki Open or endoscopic


Puyallup, WA
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Please see the below report and tell me which you would use the 64721 or 29848.

Next, using a freer, the transverse carpal ligament was identified and palpated. On the posterior surface, the transverse carpal ligament was bluntly dissected with the synovial scraper. The appropriate dilators were inserted and the endoscopic system was introduced into the carpal tunnel. The distal portion of the transverse carpal ligament was identified and sharply incised. The transverse carpal ligament was divided along its entire length under direct vision. At the conclusion of division, the scope was reintroduced into the carpal canal, and the radial and ulnar halves of the transected ligament were identified. There was adipose tissue protruding within the carpal tunnel. The median nerve was identified and appeared to have post release hyperemic appearance. The instrument was withdrawn and the canal inspected. There was no evidence of space occupying lesion. A freer was entered and used to ensure complete division of the fibers.
Thank you for your response. I coded it as a 29848 and then got an email from the Dr telling me that I was wrong and needed to change it to 64721 as he performed it open. Looks like Endoscopic to me.