Wiki Open hernia repair w/mesh


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Looks to me like 49561 w/ 49568 Would you agree ??????

Pre OP/Post OP: Incarcerated upper midline ventral hernia

Open hernia repair w/mesh

Incision made through subcutaneous tissue. Hernia sac circumferentially dissected from tissue. Incised and opened, there was thickened peritoneal tissue involved that incorporated the umbilical ligament. Sac passed. During dissection of sac, there was a small amount of reduction which questioned if segment of bowl had been reduced in the abdomen during dissection. The transverse colon was brough into wound and examined, no evidence of ischemic or indurated areas. No evidence of injured bowel. Thickened dilated proximal segment concluded diagnosis of partial small bowel obstruction but distal to this segment, no evidence of injury. Bowel was reduced back into abdomen and peritoneal fluid extracted.

Double sided mest placed into hernia defect and sutured into place. wound irrigated and closed.

Thanks everyone
Just thought I would re-post just in case there is a Hernia expert out there!!??? Not sure if I'm going in the right direction with these codes.......??? Thanks again