Wiki open excision of cyst AND arthroscopic exc of 2nd cyst

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?? arthroscope was inserted through the open excision??

1.Left knee extra-articular anterior patella open cyst excision
2.Left knee intra-articular cyst arthroscopic excision and debridement

Indications: large obvious anterior lateral cyst just at the level of her anterior patella and tendon. At this time she is brought for arthroscopic debridement of the intra-articular cyst extension and open excision of the large anterior cyst.

Because of the location of the anterior lateral cyst it was elected to make an transverse incision carried down through skin and subcutaneous the large cyst was encountered and it was then peripherally dissected using the small tenotomy scissors down onto the tendon and it was excised using the Bovie knife clearly off of the tendon and circumferentially around the large cyst. This was sent the back table for pathologic evaluation. Then through this incision the lateral portal was established and just off the medial edge of the patella tendon and medial portals were established. The scope was placed medial looking lateral and there was noted to be a bulbous area at the fat pad which corresponded to the MRI findings of the intra-articular cyst with extension inferiorly. Through the lateral portal the 4.5 shaver was introduced and this area of fat pad and cyst was completely debrided and excised. Pictures were taken of the debridement and there were no other changes identified.

thanks for any help on this!