Wiki Open Biceps Tenolysis code

I agree there is no established code for an open biceps tenolysis and would report an unlisted code. 23939 is not showing up as a valid CPT for 2020 in the CPT manual. You could consider 23929 (unlisted procedure shoulder) if this open tenolysis occurs near the long head of the biceps/up near the shoulder joint. If the tenolysis is of the distal biceps down near the elbow, I would instead report unlisted code 24999.

For the comparison code for pricing, 24332 seems like a reasonable comparison. If you have the opportunity to do so, I would suggest discussing the pricing with the surgeon. They have the most insight into the work involved in the procedure and how that compares to that of a tenolysis of the triceps and can assist in making sure that the price is set to a level that accurately reflects the work involved in the procedure.

Have a good night