Wiki OP Note Interpretation - Please Help.


Palm Harbor, FL
Best answers
1. "L4 laminectomy as well as partial L5 laminectomy. We carried dissection laterally to perform adequate lateral recess as well as foraminal decompression of the exiting L4 and L5 nerve root."

What is "carried dissection laterally to perform adequate lateral recess as well as foraminal decompression of the exiting L4 and L5 nerve root"?

Is it a facetectomy and foraminotomy in addition to the L4 laminectomy and L5 Laminotomy? Is this 63047? Surgical approach is posterior, BTW.

2. "L1-2 radical discectomy including both lateral recess and foraminal decompression. We took down cartilaginous endpoints superiorly and inferiorly. We evacuated the disk."

What is "including both lateral recess and foraminal decompression. We took down cartilaginous endpoints superiorly and inferiorly."?

This is an anterolateral approach discectomy but is it also another facetectomy and foraminotomy? And I can't even find a code for lumbar discectomy, anterior/lateral approach.

Please help with these if you are out there. Thank you!