Wiki OON facility help needed


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Good Morning,

Does anyone have a policy on how you handle your OON patient balances that you would be willing to share? We are an OON surgery center facing a lot of challenges with high deductibles. I would also be interested in knowing how other surgery centers handle cases where the whole balance is made patient deductible? How do you approach collection for this type of patient? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

We verify all cases prior to surgery and give the patient an estimate for deductible, coinsurance and copays. The patient is ask to bring the estimated amount due on the day of surgery. If patient can not bring the whole amount we set up a promise to pay plan. We do not go more than 3 months but some times we may have to extend to no more than 6 months if the deductible is high. We set up automatic payments via credit card or check and we also give payment booklets. If the sum is less than what we quoted we immediately make a refund within the same week we received the payment from the insurance. If the patient owes more the balance difference is tacked onto the last payment.
We collect upfront as well and it applies to in and oon fees. I do like the promise to pay plan that was mentioned. I will talk to my Administrator about setting something like that up at our facility. Thanks for the imput
Yes we have a form they sign separately specifying the details of the agreement they sign it and get a copy for their records and the orginal goes to the business office to document and put the dates in to follow up on the payment due.