Wiki oncology dx question

St Louis, MO
Best answers
hi i am a first timer so i hope i doing this right.

When the doctor writes the dx DLBCL with CNS involvement would you code it 200.5x or is their some other way to code it?
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma is 202.8- For the CNS involvement I would put on the last digit 0 for extranodal and solid organ site.

My thinking here is that the DLBCL is speicfied in volume I as separate from a primary central nervous system lymphoma. I'm placing some weight on the fact that this is described as 'CNS involvement' rather than CNS primary.

Approached from the other angle, a CNS primary lymphoma can have other fifth digits locating it in other sites, so I'm inclined to still opt for the DLBCL code locating it in an extranodal site.

You should ask the physician to explain the difference between the two. I admit, I find all these lymphoma/leukemia codes cofusing.