Wiki ? on screening codes


Bronx, NY
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I have an MD who keeps using screening codes as his only diagnosis for office visits (i.e. v77.91 - screening for lipid disorders) when he has patient's come back to review their lab results. Is it appropriate to use the screening codes as the only codes on these notes or should he be adding additional diagnoses?
I have an MD who keeps using screening codes as his only diagnosis for office visits (i.e. v77.91 - screening for lipid disorders) when he has patient's come back to review their lab results. Is it appropriate to use the screening codes as the only codes on these notes or should he be adding additional diagnoses?

Does the patient currently have a lipoid disorder? How often is he performing this?
That lipid screening v-code was just an example. He will see the patient for lab result review, but then list the screening codes as his diagnoses rather than an actual "problem" code...can he do this or should he be using another code in addition to the screening codes?
If there is no finding and all is normal and there was no indication for the exam such as signs and symptoms, then you have no "problem" to code so it is either just a screening still or a V67.x code for a follow up visit.
If there is no finding and all is normal and there was no indication for the exam such as signs and symptoms, then you have no "problem" to code so it is either just a screening still or a V67.x code for a follow up visit.

I agree. The only thing is, if the tests are normal, then there really isn't a good reason to have the patient come in for a follow up appointment just to give those results. Those can be given over the phone. Unnecessary follow up appointments are what CMS are probing into right now. I would be cautious.