Wiki on-line code books


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Does anyone use on-line code books instead of purchasing the paper books? If so who would you recommend looking at and is it much cheaper?
Nothing is inexpensive

I don't know of anywhere on the Internet to get quality online coding references for cheap. You can find anything less expensive but sometimes the quality of what you get is impaired. I bit it and went with Ingenix Encoder Pro Expert. It is not cheap. I started out with Ingenix EncoderPro at the bottom, I think it's $499/yr. Went up from there was I got hooked and saw the value. But I am still in my books and will always have the books.
The hospital that I work for is currently using an online coding system. I personally would prefer the books. I don't feel like the system is user friendly. I feel more comfortable looking through the books.
Like Kelly said, good isn't cheap. I love my on-line coding tools. We use Encoder Pro Expert at my office; we also used Code It Right Online for a year. Both are very good, but neither are cheap. Luckily, the organization buys the licenses, but I do see the price. We do, however, also buy the books because computers and the Internet do go down, and we can keep working if we have the books.

I have demo'd a few of the cheaper on-line ones, and most aren't very robust or user friendly (and please, if anyone else has one they really like, don't yell at me - this is just my opinion).

Hope this helps,