Wiki On Call Services


Local Chapter Officer
Longs, SC
Best answers
Scenario: My doctor is on-call (ob dr) and a patient comes to the ED, pregnant w/ abdominal pain. This is not our patient. She is taken to L&D for evaluation, and according to my doctor, evaluated by the nursing staff, who in turn call him for medical advice regarding treatment. My doctor gives advice over the phone, but does not go the ER himself. He wants to bill for this service, but none of the E/M codes actually fit. He is not on stand-by, it is not critical care, and really doesn't meet the criteria for a telephone consultation. Is this billable? I don't think so, but I told him I would ask. Thanks!
Nothing billible

I see nothing billible there. It would be a long stretch to consider this a consult. don't think he can go there. If he wants to get paid he should show up and see the patient next time if he can.
