Wiki On call provider--not same practice


Grants Pass, OR
Best answers
Hi, am looking for guidance on billing the global delivery with an outside provider. Normally I work with physicians who all are in the same practice. Recently, we have an outside provider who is joining the on-call group.
My questions:

How do we bill if we deliver "his" baby?
How do we bill if he delivers "our" baby?

We would like to not split the global package, is this possible, legal?

Any and all opinions are greatly appreciated!
For our OB providers we only bill for the services they provide (within our group) - if one of our patients happens to deliver with a provider that is not in our group then that provider is responsible to bill his charges and we only bill for the prenatal that we provided and the post partum (if/when the patient comes in for that). Unfortunately, in cases like these the billing does have to be split out.
Our office has this same arrangement with another office. We take call for a midwife group multiple times a month. When our doctors deliver one of their baby's, they bill out under their provider globally and our doctors are reimbursed on the back end. It is treated the same way in our office if one of our own doctors deliver another one of our providers patients. We bill globally under the patients provider and reimburse our other physician on the back side. It is something your office administrator will have to arrange with the outside provider/office.

Hope this helps!